Representing and Serving the Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Community in Massachusets
MWPCA Photo Blog
A Big turnout for a NEWEA Poo & Brew tour of the Westfield facility. MWPCA members present were Mike Williams from Holyoke, Quinn Lonczak and Laurie Goff from Chicopee, Sue Guswa from W & C, Mickey Nowak from the MWPCA, Chris Shea from Aqua Solutions, and others.Jeff Gamelli from Westfield leads a NEWEA Poo & Brew tour of the Wesfield facility.Jennifer Lichtensteiger (NEIWPCC and MWPCA BOD) helps to moderate the NEWEA Biosolids Conference.Westfield MA Clean Water StaffInfluent, Primary Effluent, and Final Effluent at four facilities in Western MAKarla Sangrey UBCW, Mark Johnson UBCW, Mickey Nowak MWPCA, Edris Taher UBCW, Joe Parker UBCW, Eric Gradner Operators Exchange Quonset RI, Denise Descheneau UBCW, and Winnie UBCW meet after a tour of the Upper Blackstone facilityJoe Parker for Upper Blackstone Clean Water discusses the operation of their sludge incinerator with RI Operator Exchange candidate Eric Gardner MWPCA Board Member Ben Smith, RI Operator Exchange candidate Eric Gardner, and James Legg from Uxbridge discuss the upgrades going on while touring the Uxbridge facility.
Upper Blackstone Clean Water Lab Tech’s on the job. Nice job with the PPE Lab Tech’s! Protecting the environment and working safe.
On July 10th Professors Amy Muller (Northeastern), Nick Tooker (UMass), and PhD Student Candidate Wenjin Zhang conducted a workshop on “The Current State of Automation and Controls at New England WRRFs”. Many thanks to Upper Blackstone Clean Water, Uxbridge, Woodard & Curran, North Brookfield, Hach, Springfiled, GHD, and Westfield for participating. Look for published results in the future,
Participants discuss the state of process automation Professor Amy Muller (Northeastern) goes over the workshop agendaEdris Taher gives a presentation on the UBCW process control Strategy
The Massachusetts Wastewater Management Training Program is sponsored by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association. The current session includes twenty-two participants representing facilities from across the state.
The 2019 – 2020 Massachusetts Wastewater Management Class
Here’s the latest MWPCA member activities
On June 18th 60 golfers participated in the annual MWPCA Golf Classic at Shaker Hills golf Course in Harvard MA.